Strategic Coaching for innovative companies
Create a company – Diversify activity – Expand internationally
We assure the success in each phase of the value chain to determine a strategic marketing and sales plan on local, national and international levels.
Based on our professional background, we have acquired invaluable skills in the field of digital technologies (ICT), a cross-cutting activity in all business sectors.
ICT’s are thus the main theme in our interventions with missions mainly applied in the following areas : Social and Solidarity Economy, Disability, Health, Agriculture, Culture...
Our services are conclusive and carefully tailored to meet the needs and the objectives of our clients.
We propose either a turnkey solution, meaning minimal participation by entrepreneurs, or coaching, with more active participation.
Map out a strategic diagnostic to identify performance indicators
Establish the positioning to find the appropriate market environment
Continue customer segmentation assessments to precisely pinpoint the target market, leading to more effective sales and communication
Carry out market studies, documentary research and field surveys to measure the acceptability rate of the offer by the targets
Carry out an analysis and survey of the competition to make apparent the major competitive advantages
Design the best business model to know how to bring in revenue
Develop a marketing mix to define winning strategies to market access
Identify partners to develop activity
Create an action plan to know where, when and how to get started
Participate in sales development to increase turnover
Write a convincing business plan for investors
Patricia Pinglot accompanied the creation of SCIC CultiZer through various market studies, whether for our BtoC market or our target BtoB market (cultural organizations). In conjunction with Alter’Incub, incubator service, and in partnership with Transferts LR or AFC, market studies were carried out to determine the best strategy. She suggested tools and methods adapted to our business sector, allowing us to take the necessary steps in placing SCIC on the marketplace.
To date, our positioning is clear in the international business environment. The impact of the support from UP2 Consulting went far beyond our export strategy vision. Thanks to Patricia Pinglot’s intervention, we re-evaluated our global positioning and our commercial strategy. The benefits are also being felt in the French marketplace.
UP2 Consulting enabled us to clarify the parameters of our success by favouring the key elements and factors of how our market works. The effectiveness of its service assisted us in developing a concrete and effective strategy that continues to bring us success.
Patricia PINGLOT - Phone: +33(0)4 67 52 00 75 - Mobile: +33(0)6 30 82 20 10 - E-mail: - Web :
3 rue Jacques Brives - 34090 Montpellier - France
26 rue de la Pépinière - 75008 Paris - France